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MA Services Group Reviews Social Impact: Paving the Way for Australian-Owned Companies

MA Services Group upholds a firm belief in social responsibility. They understand that it is their duty to give back to Australian communities and promote the ethical, respectful and fair treatment of all people. MASG is passionate about raising awareness and setting standards for a fairer society. They believe that education, understanding and awareness are key to achieving this goal.

They are proud to have taken part in various community initiatives that help promote awareness and understanding of issues faced by our communities. The Melbourne-based security company hopes that by working together with local communities, they can build a better future for all Australians.

One such initiative is MASG’s sponsorship of White Ribbon Australia. White Ribbon Australia is a national organisation that promotes awareness and education to stop violence against women. They work to engage men and boys as allies in the prevention of violence against women and create communities that are safe for everyone. MA Services Group believes that through initiatives like this, we can make a real difference in the fight against violence and discrimination. They are proud to be a part of this important work and will continue to support organisations that share their commitment to a fairer, more inclusive society.

MASG is extremely proud to support Blue Ribbon Day, an event dedicated to raising funds for hospital projects in honor of Victoria Police Officers who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. By supporting this event, we can help to ensure that those who have given so much for our safety and protection are remembered and honored.

MA Services Group is proud to have supported the Redkite Corporate Quiz 2019 in Victoria. Thanks to their efforts, the company was able to raise enough money to help 137 families for an entire year. Redkite provides support for children and young people with cancer, as well as their families and friends. They rely entirely on donations from the community in order to provide these services, as they receive no government funding.

In 2020, MASG donated $10,000 to Empower Australia Food Relief Response. This went to providing food for people in the East Gippsland region who were impacted by the bushfires. MASG has also donated their time to a relief centre on Sunday 12 January 2020 to help with the fire disaster in Gippsland.

Furthermore, MASG's Founder and CEO Micky Ahuja joined Vinnies CEO Sleep Out at GMHBA Stadium. Micky raised an incredible $900 on one of the longest and coldest nights of the year to support the important work Vinnies provides for those enduring homelessness.

The team at MA Services Group believes that it is important to understand and respect the diverse cultures that make up our society. They aim to promote cultural understanding and inclusion through their community initiatives. MASG works with a range of community groups to deliver programs and events that promote respect, understanding and inclusion.

Their community initiatives are just one way that MA Services Group is working to make a difference. They are also committed to promoting ethical practices within their own organisation, as per their set of ethical guidelines that all employees must adhere to. MASG also works with their suppliers and contractors to ensure they are operating ethically and fairly. They believe that by setting high standards, a single company can make a positive difference in the lives of all Australians.

MA Services Group is proud to be a part of the Australian community. Committed to making a positive difference and working together to build a better future, MASG is the gold standard for Australian-owned companies seeking to create a social impact through community initiatives. Get in touch with MASG by visiting their website at or by calling 1300 02 04 06.
